Working with top vendors around the world, and relying on original factory drawings, we are the only source of original airframe equipment for the Metro Merlin line of aircraft.
When you buy a part from the factory you know you are getting the best the market has to offer.
When it comes time to overhaul or repair your line replacement units, trust the experts.
With decades of expertise, original source guidance, and group purchase discounts, the Metro Merlin factory can take care of all your overhaul and repair needs, advocate on your behalf with vendors, and make sure the job is done right the first time.
Our extensive technical and service library can support your operation
As the type certificate holder, we are responsible for creating and releasing technical publications and support documents, and we are here to serve your support needs. Turn to us for guidance on any technical publication or support document.
SA226/227/CC7 familiarization training provided by the OEM.
Course graduates benefit from extensive OEM experience across all three models, focusing on mechanical and electrical systems, engine interfaces, and up to date service information.